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IMarEST Distance E-learning Bursaries

The Institute of Marine Science, Engineering and Technology (IMarEST) supports all employees in the maritime industry with a Bursary scheme for students enrolling on the Sustainable Maritime Operations degree courses provided by its subsidiary MLA College.

The bursaries are designed to help students, at any employment level, any industry sector and from all geographic locations who want to further their career by achieving a Plymouth University qualification though the MLA College but need assistance with the financial costs involved. As a maritime professional body and learned society, IMarEST aims to help all of those who wish to develop their professional career with a recognised qualification. However, it is recognised that a high quality education is not affordable for all and so this bursary scheme has been started to start to address these inequalities.

The Sustainable Maritime Operations degrees from MLA College are available at undergraduate or Masters levels and are awarded by Plymouth University. The subject is a broadly based overview of today’s maritime industry, including technology, business, environment and management topics. Our Total learning platform is a proven, successful and flexible way of bringing the UK’s leading maritime university to the workplace. Designed specifically to meet the needs of marine industry employers and individuals, we offer a unique way to study on a part-time basis whilst on-board ship, in the office, or at home. Each student has a personal academic tutor. More information can be found at

Applications for a reduction on course fees are welcomed with immediate effect. These apply to either the post-graduate MSc course or the undergraduate BSc (Hons) degree. Each application will be assessed individually on its merits and an award made for a reduction in the overall course fees. Bursaries will be available for up to 75% of costs at the discretion of the decision committee. There is a limited pot available for bursaries for our current academic year (Sept 2016 to August 2017), and they will be awarded on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

To apply please contact MLA directly in the first instance, speak to Lucille on +44 1752 764889 or email:

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