Jenkins Marine are thrilled to confirm that they have been asked by Cowes Harbour Commission to begin dredging a new Eastern Channel in to Cowes Harbour. The new Eastern Channel will provide a minimum of 2.25m (below chart datum) channel, and a more direct route to the Solent than the current Small Craft Channel, allowing smaller vessels safe access to and egress from the harbour, minimising potential conflict with the larger ferry and commercial traffic movements.

The dredging is being carried out the 30m versatile dredge barge Doreen Dorward whose excellent manoeuvrability, shallow draft and low forward freeboard, makes her ideal for precision dredging operations such as this, with some 30,000m³ dredged spoil being deposited into Jenkins Marine’s two 300m³ capacity self-propelled split Hopper barges Nab and Needles.
The main Eastern Channel dredging, which can only be done over the winter due to the presence of the eel grass beds off East Cowes, is expected to be completed within 8 weeks. Once this has been completed Jenkins Marine will begin additional maintenance dredging operations at various locations within Cowes Harbour.