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A Team Effort to Meet a Customer’s Needs for the Next Day

The team at Hydroscand’s Widnes branch and Head Office in Nottingham, came to the rescue, when a Liebherr 984 needed a hose very quickly.

The customer had a boom that had snapped in the middle on a Liebherr 984. This was sent away for major repair as it couldn’t be repaired on site.

Paul Johnston, Branch Manager at the Widnes branch said: “When the repair was completed it came back without any hose on it. So, all eyes were on Hydroscand to do the job well and quickly. The hose was required the very next day.

“As almost 60 metres of 1 ½" 420 bar hose was required for this job, we contacted Nigel Townsend, Product/Purchasing Manager at Head office, who organised a same day delivery of the hose. So, the hose was here by 6pm the same day which was fantastic.

“Nigel and the team cut the hose to length, and we swaged the ends.”

The next day, Jon Chan, Mobile Hose Technician went onsite at 6am to fit the hose. Paul said: “The Liebherr 984 Hi Rise was tested, and Jon stayed with the machine until the customer was happy and the machine was given the thumbs up. The Liebherr 984 was then taken to the quayside to load scrap onto the ships.

“I must point out that it was a fantastic effort by everyone at Head office, and at our branch to have this job ready for the next day.”



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