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Understanding Hydraulic Hoses

How to choose the right hydraulic hose for your processes:

Hydraulic hoses are essential for many industrial and commercial processes, supporting safe and efficient operations.

A wide range are available to suit all applications – from chemical-resistant and high-pressure hoses to sturdy hoses best for use in congested or hazardous environments.

To choose and install the correct hose, it is important to understand both the basics of hydraulic hoses and the specifics of your required application:

What is a hydraulic hose?

A hydraulic hose is a specialist hose used in industrial and commercial settings. Working in conjunction with hydraulic machinery, they connect valves, tools and actuators allowing fluids or gases to flow from one component to another.

Hydraulic hose composition:

Hydraulic hoses comprise an inner tube within a reinforced layer and protective outer layers. The inner tube material is chosen to be compatible with the fluids, temperatures, pressures, and impulses required of the hose. The outer layers are built up to suit the strength and durability required of the hose in its operating environment. A hydraulic hose’s composition must be robust enough to withstand both internal and external pressures.

The inner tube can be formed from synthetic rubber, P.T.F.E (commonly known as Teflon), or thermoplastics, depending on the properties and pressures of the fluids or gases within. The reinforcement can be made from single, multiple layers of braided wire, textile yarn or spiral-wound wire. The protective layer can be made of a range of resistant, repellent, and flexible materials, depending on forces in the external environment.

What are hydraulic hoses used for?

Hydraulic hoses are essential in many industries, including waste management, manufacturing, agricultural and pharmaceutical businesses. They can be found on everything from vehicles and plant to specialist machinery or production lines, facilitating a range of processes including high pressure washing, gas lines, and spray paint applications.

Hydraulic hose safety:

As hydraulic hoses are used in essential industries or hazardous environments it is vital that proper product selection, hose assembly and maintenance is undertaken. This reduces the risk of physical, operational, or environmental hazards or costly downtime.

What are the different types of hydraulic hose?

There are a wide variety of hydraulic hoses available, suitable for a range of pressures, impulses, and temperatures during application.

Hoses can be differentiated by their external layers, to be selected for the durability against working pressures and external environment. These include:

  • Braided hose;

  • Spiral hose;

  • Thermoplastic hose;

  • T.F.E;

  • Low-pressure hose;

  • Stainless steel wire-braided hose.

There are also different types of inner tubes, including:

  • Synthetic oil resistant rubber;

  • Polyester;

  • Polyamide;

  • T.F.E.

Hydraulic hose standardisation:

Hydraulic hoses are governed by both industry and international standards – SAE Standards (set by Society of Automotive Engineers), and EN Standards – to ensure they comply with safety and performance standards.

How do I select the right hose?

Proper product selection and hose assembly is critical to the safe, efficient running of machinery and processes. The following factors of usage and application should be taken into consideration when selecting a hydraulic hose:

  • Fluid/Gas types;

  • Temperature;

  • Pressure;

  • Size;

  • Ends & Couplings;

  • Availability & Costing.

To buy a hose, better understand your hose assembly or speak with a technician, contact Hydroscand:

0115 978 9759


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